Busy Week

Busy Week

Very busy week at Reach Training Ltd HQ. We had CPC, RTITB Fork Lift Truck, HIAB and OLAT training in Liverpool this week. We have a full weekend booked too for ALLMI accredited Slinger Signaller. Looking forward to a fully booked week next week. Get in touch as dates...
Reach Team

Reach Team

We’d like to take a minute to welcome Steven Mather to the Reach team. Congratulations on passing your CPC instructor course with flying colours yesterday! Well done! Ste is going to be a key part of the Reach team, delivering CPC, shunter and banksman &...
Upcoming Courses

Upcoming Courses

We have had a brilliant start to 2024! Thank you to everyone who has booked a course with us and kept us so busy during January. Come and join us in one of our courses in February, we have the best reviews and the best sausage and bacon butties! For more information,...
November Courses

November Courses

A few of our courses in November still have places available! Come and join us in our classroom, we will provide unlimited tea, coffee and biscuits! Our classroom is based on Dunnings Bridge Road, parking available. Our dates are: 11/11/23- Driver CPC Training...